Parakore is Māori for...

Pure by nature

More than simply words, Parakore is Māori and means pure and uncontaminated. In nature everything is recycled, re-used and part of a perpetually balanced system. Nothing goes to waste and everything we need is here. Our goal is to bring back the synergy between people and nature, utilising the abundant gifts it offers for health, beauty & wellbeing, whilst maintaining sustainable practices to produce this.

All of our products are made using unique natural ingredients and manufactured using environmentally conscious processes. We offer an alternative to mass-produced chemical laden beauty products which sadly have become the 'norm' in this modern age. Instead we focus on proven solutions that exist naturally which have been used for thousands of years.

From deep in the lush New Zealand forests to the dusty Australian outback, we are proud to bring you the very best natural products for skincare and beauty... just as nature intended.

Giving back...

10% of all profits go to charity

As a socially and environmentally conscious organisation it is very important for us to give back and keep the system flowing. That is why we work with select charities and not-for-profit groups across New Zealand and Australia that support our people, our community and our planet.

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